Laptop Picture Frame

Channel Nine has a new “citizen engineers” section. These techies have come up with a DIY way to create a laptop picture frame. Let’s take a look:

The following is the detailed plan that I wanted to accomplish on my first day of the project:

1. Pull all hardware out and throw away the covers
2. Study the hardware modules in the laptop
3. Select the modules that are necessary for the picture frame
4. Build a holding mechanism for the selected modules
5. Build an aesthetically pleasing picture frame around the holding mechanism and the modules
6. Assemble the picture frame
7. Test

It sounds simpler than it is…..

Really?! Cause it doesn’t sound that simple…

Here is my solution to a laptop picture frame (albeit a more expensive one).

1. Buy tablet PC.
2. Mount tablet PC to wall.

And then if you want to be really snooty…

3. Enjoy laptop picture frame for the rest of the day.
4. Take a 3 day vacation somewhere nice, while “citizen engineers” complete their frame.
5. Compare results.

OR if your poor (relatively speaking) why not go out and just get a dynamic picture frame from the store. I think they run between $200 and $600 depending on size.