A Legal Illegal Backlash

Bob Parks has an interesting piece on the current illegal immigration issue.  He also has a nice counter-protest to the “Day(s) With (illegal) Immigrants” that keep filling the news. He suggests a “National Day Without Citizens” on Cinco de Mayo (May 5th). A tempting plan to be sure, though, I will need to gain steam if it’s going to work.  I’d hate to see only a few people do it and then have to explain to their bosses why they weren’t at work on Friday… of course American’s have been known to call in sick… ;) You should read at 24Hour Bail Bonds Financing blog on how to get out of any incident especially if you are travelling to other states.


“I’m going to sneak into your house. Once I’m inside, I’m going to find a place to hang out. I’ll sneak around and take whatever money I can find. I’ll use your computer and sign myself up on your family’s health insurance. I’ll help myself to whatever food is in your fridge. And should you catch me, I’ll protest and demand that I not only stay in your home as long as I want, but that you call the police and have all charges against me dropped. Oh, and by the way, my family will be moving in soon.”

As over-simplistic as that may sound, that’s where we are with this whole illegal alien thing. The very people who use our laws as toilet paper and violate our sovereign border, are now taking to our streets by the hundreds of thousands, seemingly daily, to tell us stupid, racist Americans that they are here, deal with it, and give them what they want… or else.


In an article by David Espo of The Associated Press, “The two top Republicans in Congress, confronted with internal party divisions as well as large public demonstrations, said Tuesday they intend to pass immigration legislation that does not subject illegal immigrants to prosecution as felons.”

“A written statement by House Speaker Dennis Hastert of Illinois and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist of Tennessee, did not say whether they would seek legislation subjecting illegal immigrants to misdemeanor prosecution or possibly a civil penalty such as a fine.”

“‘It remains our intent to produce a strong border security bill that will not make unlawful presence in the United States a felony,’ the two men said. An estimated 11 million men, women and children are in the United States illegally.”

So what are we going to do? Say “no harm, no foul” to all those who are protesting and give ’em all an ice cream? When you have thousands of illegal aliens all in one place at one time, where the hell is the INS? Why aren’t all these criminals, yes felons, rounded up? When we lowly American citizens commit crime, our police don’t hesitate to arrest us, yet people who broke a federal law can take to the streets and demand we not only forgive their crime, but give them the wages they want, the housing they want, the free health care they want, and the legal status they have to have in order to function openly in our society, no questions asked….

….So as a counter to the masses of illegals protesting in American cities, shutting down commerce in a “screw you” to we, the law abiding, Sher Zieve threw out a suggestion that has taken on a life of its own. In part she wrote, “… I think it’s time that we actual-and-verifiable citizens took to the streets- or just stayed home – to show our Senators how a “National Day Without Citizens” would impact the country. There are more of us than there are “them”. Immigration (that’s legal immigration) is not a right. It’s a privilege….”On May fifth, Cinco de Mayo, I will be in observance of the “National Day Without Citizens.” I will stay home and conduct no commerce on that day. I will avoid the supermarket, the bank, a gas station. Okay, I will watch the news, listen to Rush on the radio, and check emails. But should you all reading this join me, we can send a clear signal that Americans, real Americans, can do more to disrupt the nation than a bunch of non-English speaking freeloaders who take more of our generous tax dollars than they would ever dream of doing.




2 thoughts on “A Legal Illegal Backlash

  1. I say it is nice to hear you say the things you are saying,I have been writing to my senators ,my representatives,my governor,and asking some of the same things,how can illegals be marching in OUR streets and not be arrested.I hope no citizens are being fooled by the smoke screens that are being used,like we hate latinos,we are racist,I think we are being to quiet on the illegal immigration problem. I never have been one to call my elected officials until now, bless all of you who are helping with your e-mails, your phone calls and other ways of being heard on this issue.

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