April Fools!

Ha, Ha! No the new site is not yellow and red… I should've added some flashing text and moving color lines to have all the best of personal websites from around the world and as well as some of those killer ebay postings… Seriously, though, a new look is coming, but not just yet… we just couldn't resist the proximity to April 1st…

Isn't The New Site Awesome!! Well, I think the wait was well worth it… don't you? Part of the delay was that we had to get a few patents on our groundbreaking new look…

UPDATE: I added one of those crazy color lines! Ha!

Lazer Tag III

That’s right it’s back: Lazer Tag! Again! Lazer tag was a hi-tech hit in the late 80s… that success was followed by Laser Challenge in the late 90s… and now one more time and complete with heads-up display glasses: Lazer Tag Team Ops.