Populations Clocks

Just in case you were wondering how many people your competing against for that next great job, boyfriend/girlfriend, or just exactly how many Jone’s there are to keep up with… Here is a fun little Population Clock maintained by the government. One surprising thing on this site is that the U.S. is actually the 3rd biggest country (population wise) in the world… I mean everyone knows China’s #1 and you may have heard India’s big as well but U.S. #3 – Top 10 sure, but #3…

If you’re a fan of Thomas Robert Malthus, I would warn against hitting the refresh button on this page… Otherwise, enjoy watching the population swell.


A few of you out there should really enjoy this latest exhibit. Finally a chance to take a break and not have to clean/organize/fix everything! (and don’t get me started on Modern Art…) ;)

Riddle Of The Day/Week/Month/Year

What is greater than God, More evil than the devil, The poor have it, The rich need it, And if you eat it, you’ll die?

Got a better riddle? Email it to us. We might just post it…. and then you would be famous. ;)

K9 Kevlar

The U.S. Armed Forces K9 Units are now sporting custom doggie kevlar vests that protect against small arms fire and stab wounds. The article has a couple pics of current kevlared K9s in Iraq. I think this is GREAT! I also had to laugh at the following comment: “It has to be pretty disheartening to fight a war against forces who can afford armor for their pets.

Armored Pooches On Iraq Patorl