Health Care Bill’s Losses Not Repub’s Gain

Republicans are wrong! They think anti-Obama Health Care forces are pro-GOP.

The independents aren’t joining the repubs the repubs are joining the independents!

Viva Liberty!

CHICAGO – After two terrible elections when independent voters turned away from the GOP and the party lost control of the White House and the Senate, Republicans finally have a little spring back in their step thanks to a health care debate that has done more to cool off Obama-mania and reignite the conservative base than even most of its leaders had hoped…

But that enthusiasm, and the dip in Obama’s poll numbers, has yet to translate into a spike in Republicans’ numbers.

Now how the Andy Barr can both site no gain in Repub numbers and still title his article: GOP gains steam as health care bill sputters is anyone’s guess.

Caught On Camera: Dems Real Goal For Health Care

I’m sure this will be dismissed as “lies” even though it’s video of people in their own words speaking to their supporters…It even has the video of the original Dem strategist explaining on how we’re going to get to a single payer (government run universal health care) system incrementally so as not to scare people thinking they are going to lose private insurance!