Is the fan whine from your computer driving you crazy… or is it even getting to the point where it sounds more like a vacuum than a computer? Trusted reviews has some tips on quieting your computer down.
Category Archives: Tech
Memory Card Hell Week
Put under the most extreme conditions, most memory cards did quite well. Surviving coffee swims and washing machine spins the cards survived under what i would term normal abuse. When extreme abuse was given the cards did -at least mostly- fail. So remember don’t nail your memory card to a tree. While it keeps you from losing it, you will probably lose your the data stored on it. ;)
$c0tt’$ $0@pb0x: Th3 W0rld @cc0rding T0 $c0tt
l33tsp34k. Or “Elite Speak” as the i-wish-i-was-a-hacker-but- i-don’t-know-anything-about-programming- or-server-protocols-so-instead-i-spend-a-LOT-of-time-in-chatrooms- trying-to-convince-newbies-that-i’m- elite-because-i’ve-got-nothing-better-to-do type people like to call it. You know, dorks. Now before i get lambasted, let me point out that just about anyone that is reasonably proficient with computers knows how to sp34k (3)l33t – it’s just goes with the territory. But most of us read it more than we write it because frankly we don’t have the time to use the shift key that much. It’s all a matter of priorities: are you finishing up that programming project that is due tommorrow morning? rallying a DOS attack against this or that manifistation of “the man”? or are you staring at your keyboard trying to come up with another cute way to represent a letter poorly that everyone else has somehow missed? -shrug-
Anyway, with that introduction i can now tell you about a funny link and a useful utility for those of you wanting to enter the mysterous world of l33tsp34k. Christian has created a new translation of the bible: The New Hacker Version (NHV). Complete with several levels of leet speak. If you follow a link you can translate any text you want into the various levels leet speak (and ghetto too). The following is my title in higher levels. 3nj0y.
MED: $c077’$ $0@pb0x: 7#3 W0rld @cc0rd!ng 70 $c077
HIGH: $ <077'$ $0@|> b0X: 7|-|3 \^/0r|_|) @ <<0r|)1|\|9 70 $<077
EXTREME: $????'? $?@???> <: ?|-|3 ????? @?????1?? ?? $????
Thanks Kenneth
Win 98 on PPC
In a nice display of software/hardware hacking, you can now get Windows 98 to run on your Pocket PC. While it requires some effort, it shows just how far PDAs have come.
Real Personal Network
Adding to their BORG reputation, Microsoft has just patented a technology for using human skin to conduct power and transfer data. Which is both cool and scary.