So I have been looking for something new to get back down to my “fighting weight” and get ripped just in time for winter. I recently discovered a new diet plan from Tim Ferriss called the Slow Carb Diet that takes the Lo Carb diet and adds back in beans. Alright there is a touch more to it but that’s the gist. Tim makes a good case for it in his book The 4-Hour Body. 20 lbs in 30 days didn’t sound too bad, so I thought I’d give it a whirl for 30 days and see how it stacked up.
Here’s the full Slow Carb plan:
- Unprocessed Proteins: Fish, Beef, Pork, Chicken… and Eggs (whites are best)
- Beans: Black, Red, Kidney, Pinto, Soy… and Lentils
- Veggies: All (go easy on corn)
- No “white” carbs: bread, sugar, pasta, potatoes, anything fried, etc.
- No Fruit. Exception: small amounts of citrus juice in water or tea is encouraged.
- No Dairy. Exception: low fat cottage cheese.
- No Booze. Exception: up to two glasses of dry, red wine per night.
The twist: One day a week is your cheat day. Anything in any amount is far game!
Sounds a little crazy but so far I have lost 3 pounds in the first week. Which alone isn’t too impressive as it could be largely “water weight”, but that includes taking a 3 day road trip where I was only was “on plan” for breakfast (ie eggs & bacon). So that is pretty good. However the real test will be to see where I am at after week two. The book has some other tricks with cinnamon and food photos but I don’t want to spoil it all.