So apparently American Cinema isn’t as big in Japan as it should be. Because the Japs don’t see the sheer folly in giving their robots lasers and teaching them how to fight.
Author Archives: scottsoapbox
Did 24 Help Obama?
So I have to wonder if the strong portrayal of President David Palmer by Dennis Haysbert in the hit series 24 helped Presidential Hopeful Obama in the American mindscape. President Palmer was the ideal man for the job for most Americans. Lets look at his qualifications:
- Tall
- Attractive (don’t kid yourself – these matter)
- “Presidential Presence”
- Compassionate enough to wrestle with weighty decisions of life and death
- Yet still has the balls to take the fight to our enemies and authorize whatever-is-necessary Bauer to kick ass
I believe this mix of strength and compassion is what most people crave in a leader. After 3 Seasons, Dennis Haysbert secured the idea of a Black American as a great President and got himself his own show (the Unit).
Ironically this coincidental boost for Obama in America’s eyes, was pro-actively attempted and failed by the friends of Hillary Clinton for President with the show -uh, oh yeah- Commander In Chief. I can’t tell you what impact Geena Davis had on the political landscape as not only did I never see it – I had to use google to even remember the name of the show. IMDB then showed me that what I thought I remembered of the show (from commercials) was actually the female VP from Air Force One. Glenn Close might be Genna Davis’ senior by 9 years but she exuded that same mix of strength and compassion, while Genna’s unconvincing performance led to a flopped series.
Facebook Dreams
So I think it’s a sign where you’re wasting too much time when you start having dreams about Facebook friends you haven’t actually seen in years….
and no, not that kind of dream… just the typical random delusions like wiffleball tournament with high school buddies…
this dream goes out to all my peeps!… yeah i need help.
Duty Calls
Technology & Prosperity Speed Up
Everyone knows (or should) that our world is speeding up. Technological advances have gotten us to a place where we can build on other tech speeding the process of creating newer, better, shiner things. Along with this technology has come a more and more affluent American middle class. In comparing real luxuries, the average American is doing better and better. This comes from a combination of increased real spending power and cheaper and cheaper stuff. (Thanks Capitalism!) Below is a chart detailing our progress.