Here's a pic of "my dogs" returning from a weekend junket in the Smokies. While they enjoyed the rustic cabin, I believe they enjoyed the trip to and from even more.
Category Archives: Pics
Happy B-Day Guys
Today is the BOTH George W's and Sly Stallone's B-Day. Coincidence? I think not!
Basement DIY
Well the bathroom is now in, working, and christened. :D The hardwood stairs have been installed though the stairs had to be rebuilt to accomplish this. The new "lower deck" or "smoking deck" framing has begun.
Basement DIY
The plumbing is done… well almost. The mascerating pump (behind the toliet) had a nice big crack in it from shipping. So while all the plumbing is connected, the bath can't be used until the pump is replaced. In the meantime, some of the drywall was hung in the bathroom.
Basement DIY
Well, there has been a lot of progress in the basement. We'll pics of it all up soon. Here are the before pics for the half bath going into the corner of the basement. A special back flush toliet is being used to remove the need to either raise the floor or bust out concrete – a requirement for a conventional toliet.