Church Signs Silliness

Church signs — you’ve all seen them. Supreme spiritual wisdom straight from the church secretary, brought directly to your car…

I personally hate church signs with their pithy sayings that often rhyme or have repeating letters. Yes if i was briefly made omnipotent, destroying all of the church signs in the world would be one of the first ten things i did, but this is not a rant about how church signs are turning people away from Christianity… instead it’s a way that we can get a little PAYBACK!

That’s right now you too can push your silly sayings on other people with the Church Sign generator. A great device that gives you all the fringe benefits of being a church administrator without leaving the comfort of your own home. You can even order a replica of your favorite church sign as a refrigerator magnet. I have also include a recreation of my favorite church sign EVER… which i actually saw a few weeks ago.

My personal favorite:

Staying Alive

Ah some of my work on the web that has survived…. mostly. Compassion Coalition is a noble organization that exists to unite/mobilize the churches in Knoxville, TN towards common goals such as the homeless, battered women, ect. I think it is a great idea because I love efficiency and this keeps churches from having to remaking the wheel and they can also have ecconomies of scale because multiple churches are working on one cause. It also helps members of churches find many more places to plug-in beyond what a single church could ever provide. Not to mention the added unity stuff that is all warm and fuzzy. They had done this primarily through a publication called the salt and light guide or S&LG which was great except for the fact that it was paper and only updated every few years due to the publishing expenses… then the web was invented (actually years previous to this but for the sake of the story)…

Anyway I was commissioned to translate the paper book into a php / mySQL interactive database wonder… which was moving along nicely until the ministry hired an in-house web designer that was really good…. w/ frontpage (if you haven’t done much advanced web design you won’t really get the irony here). So since my interactive fully online system didn’t plugin to frontpage it was pretty much labeled crap and I was dismissed from the project. Anyway, the web conversion of the S&LG was pretty much just moved over to the frontpage site so it is a gleam of my work on that project that still exists.

Online S&LG


Promises Or A Shameless Plug

I promised a friend a long time ago to keep this up on the web for him. He probably doesn’t care anymore, but a promise is a promise… and since he has ghost written a popular christian book and is now working on his own book, I can say i knew him when ;)

This was originally put on the web around: 7-7-03

Paul’s Teaching


IntroductionRighteousness is often misunderstood and incorrectly defined amongst Christians today. This extremely important characteristic of every Christian must of necessity be understood, or we face the consequences of living under a lie. Misconceptions of righteousness have caused many Christians to fall into legalism and others to misunderstand the gospel in its entirety. It is both vital and apparent that Christians need to stop overlooking this word and begin to grasp the truth about righteousness. To understand Biblical righteousness as it relates to the Christian, we must first know that righteousness has many different definitions. In this particular piece of literature, we will be discussing four specific types of righteousness:

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