South Park Sounds

I found this cleaning out some old files on the server. I believe I put this together in '98. Thought I would dust it off and link to it on the new site.

Sound Files (.wav)

Cheesy Poofs (16K)   They Killed Kenny! (28K)
South Park Theme (280K)   Y R U So Cool? (69K)
Kick the Baby (16K)   I'm Going Home (23K)
Gayest Dog (21K)   Gun in 'Nam (21K)
Kenny Talks (24K)   It's Comin (26K)
Hippie Indian (40K)   Yeah Hippie (37K)
Beef Cake! (41K)   Hunting Supplies (63K)
Follow Your Dreams (57K)   Don't Be Gay (70K)
I'm Not Fat (149K)   Book Depository (95K)
'Nam Flashback (82K)   Bad Kitty (81K)
Kitty Kitty (74K)   Lookin' Ripped (57K)
Tea Party (132K)   Tea Party 2 (109K)
Whatever (69K)   Da Cheesy Poofs (54K)
Potty Mouth (119K)   Forget (75K)
In The Ghetto (172K)   Snacky Cakes (43K)
Whatever (69K)   Stan & TV (63K)
Sweet (59K)

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Illegals & Faxes

The illegal immigration issue continues to rage, as the Senate debates amnesty provisions in the McCain/Kenndy bill. If you would like to support reducing the illegals crossing the borders (some of whom may be coming here to sell drugs as members of international gangs or even bomb us as terrorist — they don’t all just pick fruit.) and actually enforcing the law as it exists…

You should check out You can sign up and send faxes to your congressmen with a few mouse clicks. If you want to be more involved you can customize your faxes to say exactly what you want to say. Want to do more? They list contact info for the people that represent you so you can call, write, and email them as well. Get involved.

A few minutes of you time could save you huge amounts of tax dollars by reducing the illegals getting Social Security and Welfare checks — not to mention the insurance costs of illegal immigrants getting emergency room services (someone’s gotta pay those docs & nurses). Another drain that is so far out it’s funny: in some states illegal immigrants can get IN STATE tution to go to college… American’s from other states can’t but non-citizens from other countries SURE! Why not? We wouldn’t want to “trample on their rights” but just don’t think to much about your rights… your only a tax paying, vote casting, citizen.

The best bill in the Senate is by far the one put out by Sen. Frist. His bill has enforcement position similar to the House’s bill, but allows for the doubling of Green Cards. Remember green cards? The legal way to enter the States and work and chase the American dream? It actually makes sense to increase the green cards if we start actually enforcing our immigration laws. It would reduce the number illegals and replace them (somewhat) with law abiding visitors (who like to work as well). Truth be told, we could probably increase the green card by 4 or 5 times if we really got serious about enforcement. This would fill the labor demand created by fewer illegals but still allow more jobs for American’s will fewer skills and little education (the unemployment rate for American’s without a High School diploma is 14%). It would also increase the number of tax payers and reduce the number of people on Government assistance. BOTH of which will reduce the tax burden on us the hard working middle class Americans.

Green “Nest”

Now, I’m no hippie, but I do love a hot shower… and apparently that – like everything else – is going to kill me with cancer. That’s right cancer. Did you know that you absorb more chlorine through your shower than you do through your tap water? ( – WaterFilterInfo.pdf ) Oh yeah, so all you Brita users out there… we have a new filter for you. is a place for ex-hippies that have tired of eating granola and living in vans but still want to stay true to the movement. Well maybe not, but it lets you greenize your home and protect yourself from all the bad stuff that modern civilation has created in the course of creating -well- modern civilation. For instance there are chemicals in carpet! Who knew? I always though carpet grew next to the peach trees in Georgia. Isn’t that smell we all love to huff in our new cars and homes simply the way it acheives cross-pollination?

Seriously, though. While most problems could be address by opening your windows or going outside occassionally, a few things may grab your eye or give you something else to worry about tonight instead of sleeping.